Wednesday Advent Services
Join us for Advent services celebrating Saints Nicholas and Lucia!

Holden Evening Prayer

We gather in the quiet beauty of the sanctuary for worship. This service invites us to slow down, center our spirits, and reflect on the miracle of God becoming human in the birth of Jesus. Our meditations will be centered on Making Room in Our Hearts, Days & Homes.

  • Wednesday, Dec. 1, 6 p.m. - Holden Evening Prayer

  • Wednesday, Dec. 8, 6 p.m. – Holden Evening Prayer

Holden Evening Prayer

We gather in the quiet beauty of the sanctuary for worship. This service invites us to slow down, center our spirits, and reflect on the miracle of God becoming human in the birth of Jesus. Our meditations will be centered on Making Room in Our Hearts, Days & Homes.

  • Wednesday, Dec. 1, 6 p.m. - Holden Evening Prayer

  • Wednesday, Dec. 8, 6 p.m. – Holden Evening Prayer


This service reminds us of the hope Mary and Joseph experienced seeking a place to stay in Bethlehem. It is a witness to the hope in our growing cross-cultural congregation.

  • Wednesday, Dec. 15, 6 p.m. - Posada

Holden Evening Prayer - Wednesday, Dec. 4 & Dec. 11, 6-7 PM

Join us for a simple meal at 4:45-5:30 PM of soup and salad. At 6 PM, we gather together in the quiet beauty of the sanctuary. This service invites us to slow down, center our spirits, and reflect on the miracle of God becoming human in the birth of Jesus.

Las Posadas - Wednesday, Dec. 18, 5:30 PM

Join us outside for a Posadas procession followed by a meal beginning at 6 PM consisting of tamales, rice & salad. Las Posadas remembers the journey that Mary and Joseph made from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of a safe place to stay where Mary could give birth to Jesus. It is a witness to the hope we have in community in Christ.

Christmas Eve Bilingual Child & Family-Focused Worship – Tuesday, Dec. 24, 10 AM

The morning Family Christmas Eve Service beautifully blends the nativity story from the Books of Matthew and Luke with numerous familiar Christmas carols led by organ and praise instruments as children bring the story to life. Assisted by the youth of Grace, all children and children-at-heart are invited! Holy Communion will be offered.

Christmas Eve Traditional/Candlelight Worship – Tuesday, Dec. 24, 7 PM

Our traditional candlelight worship service will celebrate the birth of Christ in word, music and sacrament of Holy Communion. Hear the Christmas story, sing familiar carols, and listen to special music by the Grace choirs.

Christmas Day – Wednesday, Dec. 25, 10 AM

Grace will celebrate the birth of Christ with liturgy and a carol-fest service. Hear the Christmas scripture readings, a Christmas message, join in singing favorite carols, and celebrate Holy Communion.

Lessons & Carols – Sunday, Dec. 29, 10 AM

One service only. We invite you to join us as we read scripture, sing hymns, and celebrate the birth of Christ.

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