We’d love to see you this Sunday!
At Grace Lutheran Church, we see each person as a unique individual God loves – our doors are open to everyone.
We are a gathering of people who are:
- Welcoming of families and children
- Hospitable to each person – all are wanted, loved and belong here
- Committed to learning, serving and following Christ
- Active in helping others in Hendersonville and beyond
- One church composed of people from near and far
- Joyful in worship

Worship Services
Grace offers in-person and online services each Sunday.
First Sunday of every month, 10 AM (ONE SERVICE ONLY)
Our ONE service features all that Grace has to offer in worship! It includes both English and Spanish liturgy with Holy Communion. A fellowship meal follows. (Sign up at the Sign-up Station to attend the meal.)
Sunday, 9 AM (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sundays)
Traditional Lutheran worship with Holy Communion and music led by the organ and choir.
Sunday, 11:15 AM (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sundays)
Informal contemporary service with Holy Communion and music led by a band and singers. (3rd Sunday is bilingual)
Sunday, 11:15 AM (2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays)
Servicio en Español con liturgia Luterana para toda la familia.

What To Expect
A Warm Greeting
We want you to feel comfortable and to know you are welcome here! Our greeters & ushers are here to help you find what you need, whether it’s our nursery, large print bulletins, children’s activity bags, our sanctuary, restrooms or anything else.
Disability Assistance
Handicap parking is available or you may also drop someone off right at our church door and then park. In the Sanctuary, the ushers can provide large print bulletins. During Communion, assistants will come to your seat if a request is made to the usher.
Join us on the 1st Sunday of every month at 11:30 AM in Stull Hall for a meal prepared by our chef, following our 10 AM ONE Worship. Please sign up monthly for the meal - freewill offering.
Join us on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sundays from 10-11 AM in Fellowship Hall for coffee, tea, refreshments, and conversation. You’ll have a chance to meet the pastors and chat with others in the church.
We encourage everyone to wear what you feel comfortable wearing. Some wear suits and ties while others wear jeans.
Peruse our info and sign-up boards in the lobby and Fellowship Hall to learn about our work throughout Hendersonville, fellowship activities, Bible studies, small group, various ministry opportunities, and much more… We look forward to meeting you and exploring how Grace might be part of your life.
Becoming a Member
If you want to explore membership, contact a pastor for information.
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday at all services. You don’t have to be a member (or a Lutheran) to partake us. As we share the bread and wine, we believe that Christ is truly present in the sacrament and among us. Gluten-free wafers are available from the pastor by request. Communion is shared by either common cup or intinction (dipping the bread into the wine). We welcome all baptized persons to join us for Communion, as you are comfortable doing so. Children are welcome to commune or to come forward for a blessing. If you are unable to come forward to receive Communion, please inform an usher and a pastor will be happy to bring Communion to you at your place.
Children are welcome at all worship services. Bags with Children’s bulletins, crayons, & toys are available in the entry hall and our ushers are happy to help you locate them. We offer a “Prayground” near the sanctuary entry for children who become too active during worship.
Sunday School is held September through May at 10:15-11 AM for all elementary-aged children. (Exception: on holiday weekends and Sundays when only one service is being held.)
For young children (0 to 5 years), nursery is available during all services. The nursery is located in the education wing hallway, first door on the right. Parents can drop children off prior to the start of worship or anytime during the service.