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Gifts & Serving

Delia Jovel, Director of Youth Ministry| 828-693-4890 ext. 316

The Gifts Ministry

The Gifts Ministry (GM) connects members with meaningful needs, deeds and opportunities at church and in our community by using and discovering our unique and special talents, spiritual gifts, abilities, character and personality given by God.

Grace has a diverse and an important number of ministries to serve at church and in our community where you can find an opportunity to share and improve your gift and talents and have the experience of the love of God, his mercy and grace.

  • Talk to Jolie Herman, Administrative Assistant, about your interests, gifts and passion to get connected to any of our 175 serving positions.
  • Look in Grace’s weekly announcements, emails, and on our Volunteer Board for recent postings.
  • Look in the following list to learn about each ministry
find your ministry here

Share Your Testimony! / Comparta Su Testimonio!

Our testimony is as a light that can illuminate better our path as Christians. Our Testimony can also encourage other to share their Gifts, Talents, Abilities and Love. It is time to inspire others who seek to discover the God that you have found. Thank you!

Nuestro testimonio es como una luz que puede iluminar mejor nuestro camino como Cristianos. Nuestro Testimonio puede también animar a otros a compartir tus Dones, Talentos, habilidades y amor. Es tiempo de inspirar a otros que buscan descubrir el Dios que usted ha encontrado. Gracias!

Click Here! / Haga clic aquí!

Gifts Ministry Inventory

Our Church wants to connect your GIFTS with meaningful service opportunities.

Let us know which are your GIFTS, PASSIONS and EXPERIENCES that you want to share in our Congregation and within our Community.

Let the love of God shine on you and in others through your service.

click here!

YOUnique Tool

Grace implements an accurate tool that helps us to have a better knowledge and understanding about ourselves, our personality, our passions and gifts that make us be mindful about being a unique, special and blessed creation of God.

This tool – designed for people from 14 years old and older – helps us to understand about our personality traits, behaviors and attitudes in life, that make us be aware about the way we react face a particular situation.

Personality is unique to each son/daughter of God, and knowing what makes us, “us”, can lead to more life satisfaction and make better life choices and decision in our personal, familiar, professional and spiritual life.

YOUnique can also help us to understand better what kind of relationships we have and how to improve them whether with family, friends, coworkers or at church.  This resource of self-knowledge connects you also with your life passions that help you to living with joy and satisfaction.   In addition to YOUnique Workshop, you will get also in a one-to-one follow-up session with a Coach, which will be a close, friendly and personal space of dialogue and discussion focused on your special interest.  The Gifts Ministry Director will also available to meet you in case you need time to have a dialogue or a conversation about your Gifts and Ministries.

Watch this video about YOUnique

Weekly Emails

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