Serving others with the heart of Jesus to have a positive impact on the quality of life of at-risk individuals and families in Henderson County and around the world through VOLUNTEERISM, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND PRAYER for the human, social and economic needs of God’s people.
Collecting canned goods and money donations after worship services. Teams have “Super Bowl Team” soup pots located in the lobby for donations. Place donation in the soup pot of your team of choice to win the Super Bowl. Grace results and game results compared the following Sunday. Donations are kept local and given to the Storehouse.
Grace Lutheran Church has been supporting IAM since its humble beginnings in 1984. IAM’s provision of crisis services involves a number of Grace volunteers who lend a helping hand to our struggling neighbors. Canned food provides the foundation for feeding our neighbors in need, but providing fresh vegetables and produce are also needed. Please consider a financial donation to support this nutrition based initiative or pick up a grocery bag in the lobby with a “shopping wish list”.
Since 2018 we have been collecting non-perishable food and household products for the food pantry at Living Waters Lutheran Church in Cherokee, NC. This outreach program serves approximately 1000 individuals on a monthly basis.
The Blood Connection allows healthy individuals from the age of 16 to 100+ years who weigh at least 110 pounds to donate. Donors need to eat well several days before giving blood and eat a good meal before coming to donate. All blood collected from these blood drives stays local and will go to area hospitals.
It’s a great day for us; but it’s a greater day for the family that later gets the keys to this new home. Be a part of this experience!
It is so important for Grace to continue supporting the Rescue Mission food drive. Because of the faithful and generous support of Grace Lutheran Church those struggling with alcohol and drug addictions find recovery; those who need shelter from the elements have a hot shower and warm bed; those who are hungry are fed; those who have no clothing are provided with clothes; those who need medical care receive it.
“God’s Work. Our Hands.” Help a family have a home of their own for their very first time – no skills required – just a caring heart and a willing spirit.”
~Dick Miley
The annual picnic is sponsored by the Social Ministry Committee. It will be held at Jackson Park and enables us to share God’s love with individuals experiencing mental health and housing instability.
Have you noticed the number of opportunities we at Grace have to help fight hunger? We are blessed with an abundance that not everyone has. We do what we can, and we are happy about it. Support the Henderson County Hunger Coalitions’ Hunger Walk by either walking on the day of the event or by financially supporting someone who does walk.
Members of Grace Lutheran Church volunteer to work in the community, a yearly day of service which began in 1993. Volunteers will spend Saturday doing projects for different community nonprofits. Projects include painting, landscaping, gardening, mulching, window washing, cleaning, quilting, sandwich making, and other odd jobs.
Dhaka Handicrafts Ltd, which began in 1976 and is owned by the workers, helps extremely poor artisans in remote areas of Bangladesh struggling to sustain a craft-based livelihood. Join us for our annual Fair Trade Gift Market and be part of Grace’s mission to the world. All funds received beyond our costs will be donated to Lutheran World Relief.
This opportunity to reach out to folks with mental illness and provide this special event is indeed our privilege and reveals Christ’s love for all. Sponsored by the Social Ministry Committee.
In 2009, First United Methodist Church (FUMC) initiated the Gift of Giving Party which shared the spirit of Christmas by providing the children of the Boys & Girls Club with an opportunity to select a few gifts to give to their caregivers, and to experience – often for the first time – the joy of giving.