These conversations take place through fellowship, outings, social events — anywhere more than one are gathered.
Our youth serve those in the church, our community and beyond through service learning experiences.
We encourage our youth to focus on learning more about God, others, and themselves. We do this through Bible study, prayer, confirmation, worship, and faith formation learning times.
Participating in rituals and traditions teach us about our identity, various cultures, the Christian faith, and Lutheranism. In addition, we focus on Cross + Generational and cross-cultural events and experiences to give all of our youth a broader perspective of life in this world.
Meets bimonthly on Wednesday evenings for Confirmation and on Sundays for special Youth Group events. Contact the Director of Youth Ministry to be added for meeting opportunities.
Meets weekly, typically on Sundays, with focus on the four keys above. High School youth also participate in unique outings, retreats, and service learning trips. Contact the Director of Youth Ministry to be added for meeting opportunities.