Created to be together/Creados para ser juntos

“Thank you for giving us space to lead and to be authentically who we are.” ~ELCA Youth Gathering worship leader

My grandfather Bobby’s favorite scripture passage was Psalm 139:1-18. He would say that everyone who read that passage would know God’s love for them unconditionally. Simple. No theological degree needed. One of the hardest things I have ever had to do was read this scripture passage at his memorial service. Feelings of grief and loss made it difficult to say these words of love out loud to the congregation. My grandfather’s witness to God’s promises of grace and love in this passage are woven into my ministry serving alongside of and caring for young people. The 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering theme text for the bible study year and onsite conference was centered on Psalm 139:1-18.

Happening every three years, ELCA High School Youth gather from around the country with space to learn and to hear diverse speakers. Young people grow in faith and are challenged and inspired to live their faith in their daily lives. One Grace grad’s highlight speaker was Austin Channing Brown. She shares: “Hearing this author speak on the theme of being free, with emphasis on how we are more than our circumstances and insecurities; she said, ‘you are not the work’.”

Grace’s Krewe traveled to New Orleans spending days in interactive learning, worship, service and fellowship with other Gathering participants. Our Krewe learned about the New Orleans community and on accompaniment day, we cleared debris from catch basins to prevent hurricane flooding around the Comiskey neighborhood. Along with our friends at Good Shepherd-Raleigh, our congregations raised $10,000 for ELCA World Hunger! Way to go Gen Z—Zero Hunger.

"You can either have a mask or live a real life. There is no third option." ~Gathering speaker Dr. Michael Chan

Ministry professionals called to care for those in the first third of life have a unique glimpse into supporting and guiding students to be authentically themselves. We help them live into fully who they are, how their story connects to God’s story, not writing the story for them. We ‘flip the script’ as spoken word poet Joe Davis says, reminding students through all life’s changes to know they are loved and to love others. Grace 11th grader writes: “My favorite speaker was Jacqueline Bussie, she talked about how although life is messy, it is beautiful always.” Another recent Grace graduate shared: “I realized how important I am in God’s image, even if I am not accepted by others or if I heavily doubt myself.”

Serving as a primary leader for the Gathering I am honored to be part of providing this faith formation piece on their faith journey timelines. Thank you, Grace family and our community who made it possible to attend this very special ministry experience!

You are created to be BRAVE. You are not alone.

You are created to be AUTHENTIC. You are seen.

You are created to be FREE. You are loved.

You are created to be DISRUPTIVE. You are called.

You are created to be a DISCIPLE. You are sent.

Anne Marie Monroe, Director of Youth, Young Adult & Campus Ministry

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