Vision 2027
Several years ago Grace adopted a mission and vision for our life together as a congregation. Together, we proclaim, “We believe that God in Christ is central to all life and we WORSHIP Him through TELLING His story, GROWING in faith, SUPPORTING each other, and CARING for His world. And in our vision, we unequivocally state, “Grace is a diverse community of faith serving Christ and sharing the love of God.”
But figuring out how we live out both our mission and vision is the ongoing work of our congregation and leaders. In February, the Congregation Council adopted the strategic plan, a product of more than 12 months of work in the community and congregation and by our strategic planning team. We’ve shared the full plan in English ( and in Spanish ( and a brief description of each goal and its staff liaison is at the end of this article.
So now, we have a plan, what’s next?
We’d like your help. Each of the five goals has a staff member associated with it, as well as advisors from the strategic planning team. Now, we are working to create implementation teams. These teams will be made up of people who will work together to bring these strategic goals alive - people like you!
If you are especially excited to see Grace grow into a vibrant, inclusive, and diverse community of faith;
If you want to help us draw visitors and new members who feel the love of God and sense our excitement;
If you want to help others grow in God’s love;
If you want to be part of sharing God’s love with our neighbors and putting our faith into action through our participation in the community;
If you want to provide even greater support for families seeking Pre-Kindergarten education and give them a church home through Grace Preschool;
Or if you want to help us respond to the impact of mental and behavioral health on our neighbors and community in partnership with local organizations, please speak to Pastor Jonathan, Pastor Christina or Kimberly and get involved in this important and ongoing work.
Excerpt from “Vision 2027” Grace Lutheran’s Strategic Plan
Goal 1: Grow Spiritually, Programmatically and through our Stewardship, and Engagement with People Who interact with Grace
Vision Statement: We want to grow into a vibrant, inclusive, and diverse community of faith that draws visitors and new members who feel the love of God, sense our excitement, and want to share in what Jesus is doing through us as individuals and the congregation at Grace. We want Grace Lutheran to be welcoming and comfortable for all people.
Staff Champion: Pastor Jonathan
Goal 2: Grow and Evolve Grace’s Internal Programs
Vision Statement: We want to meet our members and visitors where they are in their Faith Journeys and help them grow in God’s love through enhancements to our existing ministries and new program offerings.
Staff Champions: Pastor Christina, Jill Wingard
Goal 3: Grow in Service to the Community
Vision Statement: Grace Lutheran is well known in Hendersonville and throughout the larger ELCA for our focus on community service. We want to demonstrate God’s love by finding ways to grow in this area and provide even greater support to our neighbors via putting our faith into action by getting more involved in the community.
Staff Champion: Kimberly Dunbar
Goal 4: Develop a Strategic Plan to Evolve, Enhance & Grow Grace Preschool
Vision Statement: Grace Preschool is a highly regarded and important Hendersonville institution. We want to grow this valuable service by discerning how we can demonstrate God’s love by providing even greater support for families seeking Pre-Kindergarten education and giving them a church home.
Staff Champions: Beth Anne Lehr, Pastor Jonathan, Jill Wingard
Goal 5: Develop and Implement a Mental and Behavioral Health Ministry at Grace
Vision Statement: With the growing recognition of the impact that Mental and Behavioral Health plays in society, we want to demonstrate the love of Jesus by initiating new programs and partnering with local organizations to grow in service to members and the community in this vital area.
Staff Champion: Kimberly Dunbar